Book Review
of Ella Bella
Jennifer Kathleen Gibbons

Just when things start to calm down in her life, her mother's job
is outsourced to India.
Frightened, Ella tries to find security for herself and her mother.
The search for security leads to a children's bookstore, a new friend, and her
first kiss. And possibly, it paves the way for healing to begin.
From the bestselling author of I Woke Up In Love This Morning, Ella
Bella explores loss and how lives can be changed.
changed that autumn.
I know that sounds like such a cliche, but it was true. I started
high school, and I was trying to become someone else. This was incredibly
stressful, reinventing yourself. I had no idea how Madonna did it every year.
Gone was the girl who wore pink barrettes and chewed gum. I braided
my hair in dozens of braids. Mom took one look at it and she declared, "Your
hair looks like a rat's nest." I didn't care. It was my hair. I even
thought about going by real name Eleanor, but realized that for better or
worse, my name was Ella. Or if you asked my brother Derek, Cinderella.
the Author:

Red Room page:
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goodreads page:
facebook page:!/jennifer.gibbons
My twitter name is: @jenniferkate
Book Review:
It is hard to lose someone, either
by leaving or by death. In Ella Bella,
Ella loses her dad, to death, and her brother, leaving to the military. She is angry, sad, and scared and not even
really aware that she is feeling all these things.
This book looks at loss and grief
through the life of Ella and, to a smaller extent, her mother. I really enjoyed reading this book, although
at times I felt it was probably most appropriate for middle school or middle
grade students, except for a few adult themes that would not be appropriate for
that age.
I give this book 3 out of 5 clouds.
product or book may have been distributed for review; this in no way affects my
opinions or reviews.
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