Book Review
of The Hands of Tarot Sponsored by Pump Up Your Books
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She killed his father.
She imprisoned and beat him.
And now she thinks he’s her trophy.
Synn El’Asim will do almost anything to prove her wrong. But
he’s only proving her right.
Queen Nix awakened his Mark of power and inducted him into
the House of Wands. She knew what she was doing. The son of the two most
powerful Families standing against her is the ultimate prize. What she didn’t take into
consideration was that maybe he was too strong for her.
The Families are weakened, and it’ll take a lot more than
one young man with a powerful Mark to take on…
The Hands of Tarot.
About the

real name is Stephanie Marie (aka SM), but only family and coworkers call her
that, usually when they’re screaming at her. Friends call her Frankie.
challenges the world around her. She served in the military as one of the first
female tactical air traffic controllers, worked at a coal mine, and shot
herself through school to become a CAD (computer aided drafter) operator. She’s
worked as a stenographer, a lab technician for a scientist attached with NOAA,
and traveled with the Renaissance Festival. She’s survived hurricanes in a
tent, and ditches in winter. She’s sometimes crass, often crude, and almost
always blunt.
dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government
assassins. Yes. She has stories.
loves to take the real world, find a singular line of truth, and wrap a complex
fiction of reality around it. She’s incredibly excited to share her world with
you, and there’s a wide selection to choose from: Dreamland
Stories, Demon Talker Novels, Hands
of Tarot, and Scarred Skies are just the top of
the iceberg. If you don’t find something you like, drop her a line. She
might have something up her sleeve just for you.
You can visit Frankie online at
As soon as my eyes adjusted to the brightness, the air escaped
from my lungs. Before us was carnage. There were two wooden pyres burned to
smoking ruin with the charred remains of people on top of them. The air reeked
with the smell of burned flesh. Several more pyres stood, two currently
burning, three more untouched, all of them in a circle surrounding a large
Filled with children.
Guards walked from one of the burning pyres and lit torches,
walking to the neighboring one to set it ablaze.
The children inside whimpered. One screamed, her hand reaching
through the bars. Most of them silently wept, watching as their loved ones
succumbed to the smoke.
I couldn’t just stand by and watch this. I took a step forward, my
hand going for my sword.
My father stopped me, his eyes troubled with sorrow.
Queen Nix turned to me and smiled. “Do you wish to declare war?”
“Let them go,” I commanded, my voice ragged. “What have they done
to you?”
She stalked toward me, her nose nearly touching mine, all
semblance of beauty twisted with rage. “They refused to submit to me.”
I stared at her aghast, my hands clenched, my jaw tight. “So
because you couldn’t control them, you’re going to destroy them?”
The rage turned cold across her features as she drew away, her
shoulders back.
“Are you so weak?” The muscles in my cheek twitched.
Father took a step toward us. “Perhaps we can reach a mutual
Someone in the cage screamed, the scream turning to ravaged sobs.
I let out a growl. “You will stop this!”
The queen turned her eagle-eyed stare to me. “I do not take orders
from a mere boy.”
“Queen Nix,” my father started, “let us be reasonable.”
She took a step back and assessed him.
“The Umira have never been a harmful Family.” My father’s hands
were wide at his side, his expression open. “They have always lived in peace
with the Hands.”
Her eyes flared and she advanced on him. “You’ve allied yourself
with them.”
Father’s eyes widened as he took a half step back.
I watched in alarm, unsure of what to do. My father was the
strongest man I ever knew.
The queen grabbed his coat and pulled his face close to hers. “The
Umira have always been a peaceful Family, so imagine my surprise when they
assaulted us with cannons and weapons.”
“They have the right to defend themselves, Nix.”
“Not against me.” She pushed him away and turned to her gathering
guard. “Take him and his heathen son. Throw them on the pyre.”
My father drew his sword and faced the guard. “Go, Synn, now!”
Our men drew their weapons and stood by his side.
“I’m not leaving you, Father.” My sword was in my hand. I was
ready to die an honorable death by my father’s side.
He backhanded me and roared, “You will protect our people, Synn
I was torn. I wanted so badly to fight beside him, to protect him.
But my father had given me an order. One I could not ignore.
I turned and ran.
Book Review:
So frickin’ good. This book was amazing. The book shows you the action rather than
just stating it. It is so much better
than I anticipated. I highly recommend.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
product or book may have been distributed for review; this in no way affects my
opinions or reviews.
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