
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Book Review of Fate's Fables Boxed Set (Fables 1-8 Plus Bonus Prequel): One Girl's Journey Through 8 Unfortunate Fairy Tales

Book Review of Fate's Fables Boxed Set (Fables 1-8 Plus Bonus Prequel): One Girl's Journey Through 8 Unfortunate Fairy Tales

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Welcome to Books, Books, and More Books.  I am pleased to share this book with you.  Thank you for visiting and please come again.


Reality sucks. Make-believe rocks. That's been Fate Floyd's motto for as long as she's been a fantasy geek. But now she can hardly tell what's real and what's not. She's been spelled and mysteriously trapped within a deadly fairy tale world bound by the Book of Fables. Her only way home is to travel through the book's 8 unfortunate fairy tales and change them into happily-ever-afters. And if dealing with scheming sorceresses, greedy goblins and heartless faeries isn't enough to test her sanity, there's Finn. The Scottish boy who looks like he stepped straight out of her dreams. Fate wants to believe in her own happy ending, but the reality is, her road to freedom isn't straight and danger lurks around every bend. 

Boxed Set (Fables 1 - 8 plus BONUS PREQUEL) 

The Lonely Sorceress: The first unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. Fate and Finn find themselves on a magical island and hatch a plan to play cupid to give the sorceress a happy ending. All the while, Fate wonders why Finn is so familiar. The closer she comes to the truth, the more she denies it. 

A Dark Faery's Love: The second unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. Fate and Finn are taken prisoner by the Dark Faery's evil oaks and carnivorous pixies. When Fate uses her Words of Making to call upon the Green Man to destroy the Dark Faery, her plan backfires horribly. To save Fate's life, Finn makes a promise to the Green Man, one he prays he'll never have to keep. 

The Goblin Queen: The third unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. Fate's been keeping a secret from Finn. When she finally tells him, the truth shatters his world. Meanwhile, they must find the goblins' healing goblet to save a dying woman before a sorceress takes it. When Finn tries to stop the sorceress, she poisons him with an evil that begins to grow in him. 

The Heart of a Troll: The fourth unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. Caught in a feverish spell that's destroying his memory, Finn is lost in the frozen Twisted Bone Forest, where he's rescued by a tree troll and her human daughter. After Fate searches for him for weeks, she finally finds him, but in the arms of someone else. Heartbroken, she must decide whether to fight for him or leave him behind.

The Dragon Empress: The fifth unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. Fate and Finn must defeat the dragon empress before she unleashes absolute destruction upon her kingdom. When Fate witnesses the horrifying way Finn uses his new powers to stop the empress, she fears he's changed for the worst. 

Old Mother Grim: The sixth unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. Fate and Finn face an evil born of the most ghastly nightmares. As they race to stop Old Mother Grim from stealing the villagers' children, Fate risks losing Finn's love to save him from the darkness and he must choose to forgive her, or do something that will tear them apart forever. 

The Lightning Sword: The seventh unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. When Fate's inducted into a war goddess's army, she forgets everything, and Finn is forced to fight her. What he doesn't know is that she's imbued with the energies of lightning and wind. 

The Bloodthirsty Oak: The eighth unfortunate fairy tale in the Book of Fables. Fate and Finn finally confront the faceless evil that's been influencing him and fight to win their freedom from the Book of Fables. The only problem is, an ancient god has other plans. 

BONUS PREQUEL - Chaos In The Keep: Hidden in the deepest of space, the darkest of magic is caged in a place called the Keep. When the Keep Guardian makes a mistake that could unleash chaos throughout the universe, she's forced to find her successor, who happens to be Fate Flo

Author Information: 

T. Rae Mitchell is an incurable fantasy junkie who spent much of her youth mesmerizing her younger sisters with stories sprung from her crazy imagination. Over the years, her craving for the rush of being transported to fantastical realms became more acute. So it was only a matter of time before her habit got the best of her. Grief stricken one day upon discovering her supply had dried up (her favorite bookstore had closed), she decided she'd had enough. Abandoning her career as an award-winning graphic designer, she entered a fantasy world of her own making called, FATE'S FABLES, her debut novel. She lives in British Columbia with her husband and son, and has since released an urban fantasy titled, MAGIC BREW, as she continues to work on FATE'S KEEP.


This book(s) are a fascinating glimpse into the world where fairy tales are real.  The main character is a teenage author who has written a fantasy book that suddenly isn’t just a fantasy and is thrown head first into a world where she doesn’t understand anything that is happening.  Can she fix the stories, will she find love, or will she get hurt?  You have to read to find out.

I give these books 4 out of 5 clouds, and look forward to the next story.

This product or book may have been distributed for review; this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

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