
Monday, July 9, 2012

Review of Betrayal and Forgiveness

Book Review of Betrayal and Forgiveness

Paperback: 276 pages
Publisher: WestBowPress (November 16, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1449726682
ISBN-13: 978-1449726683

Book Synopsis:

In the Bible, the Lord asked that we not make promises unless we are sure that we can keep them. Lisa made a promise and has done everything in her power to keep that promise. A lesson her father needed to learn. Before he was able to practice keeping his promise, he lost the love of his daughter, his best friend, and he was about to lose the love of his son. Time was running out for all of them, but they didn’t know it.
Book Excerpt:
Lisa opened the front door and found herself looking at two very large men. Both were smiling salesmen smiles. Both had on business suits. Both of them were empty-handed. 
“Hello ma’am. My name is Thomas, and this is Chet. We were wondering if we could pray with you this morning.” Lisa noticed neither of them was carrying a Bible or any other form of religious material.
Trouble! Her mind screamed. Lisa tried to act casual, hoping her instincts were wrong. She tried to smile back, but something about their eyes stopped her. They looked friendly enough, but their smiles did not extend to their eyes. Thomas was blond and thin on top. Chet had thick dark brown hair. They both glanced behind them then back at Lisa. She started to speak then changed her mind. Thomas’s body language told her it was best to watch and listen instead. Her instincts proved to be right.
Lisa surprised them by attempting to slam the door on them. Thomas shoved his foot in the door. Using all his weight, he pushed the door open. He quickly stepped inside, swinging at Lisa as he came in. She backed up and ducked at the same time. He missed. As Lisa came back to a standing position, she shoved her suitcase into his midsection then turned to run. Thomas doubled over in pain.
Chet stepped around him. He grabbed Lisa by the hair, pulling her to a stop. She backed into him, placing her elbow firmly in his midsection. He doubled over. By now Thomas was up and moving again. He reached for Lisa as he tried to step around Chet. Thomas stumbled and lost his balance. So did Lisa. She fell to the floor. Again he reached for her. Lisa pushed herself back quickly in a movement that was similar to that of a game she’d played as a child.
Thomas grabbed her left foot and pulled her towards him. Lisa kicked him in the nose as hard as she could with her right foot. He screamed, let go and grabbed his face. Lisa got up tried to jump over Thomas but didn’t make it. He grabbed both her feet, tripping her. He then crawled up her body and turned her over to face him. His nose was spurting blood. His mouth was foaming spit and blood. His eyes were wide with hate. He hit the right side of her jaw so hard the bone fractured.
Dear God, no, she prayed. She needed to get to Zach. The pain caused her vision to blur; then everything went black.

Linda Armstrong-Miller is a retired registered nursed. She leaves in Ga. With her husband Mike and daughter Cayla. Jesus Christ is my Savior. He is the way the truth and the light. I Believe.
Linda’s latest book is Betrayal and Forgiveness.

Book Review:

            This book is very well written.  It draws you into the story and lives of Lisa, Zach, and Sam.  My heart broke for Lisa and her home life growing up.  How terrible to grow up knowing that your father didn’t love or even like you.  Even worse knowing he loved your brother wholeheartedly.  But then Lisa loves Zach too.

            Lisa has never broken a promise in her life, but she has only made three.  One was to always be there for Zach.  This is the day that promise gets broken, but not without a tremendous fight.  And I’ll leave you with that.

            Action, romance, suspense, and family drama combine to make this a must read.  Linda Miller’s writing is clean and wholesome while still having that air of danger and suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the story.  This is a story that teens and adults alike will enjoy… but only older or mature teens due to the violence and kidnapping plot-lines (adult is kidnapped).

            I give this book 4 out of 5 clouds.

This product or book may have been distributed for review; this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

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