Book Review
of Solstice: a novel of the Zombie Apocalypse
Sponsored by Bewitching Book Tours
By Donna Burgess
File Size: 429 KB
Print Length: 271
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Publisher: E-Volve Books
(May 7, 2012)
Sold by: Amazon
Digital Services
Language: English
ASIN: B0081L57OO

In Sweden, a group of uneasy travelers hears a broken broadcast.
There is hope. Something called Sanctuary waits, but it is thousands of miles
away, somewhere on the shores of the British Isles.
Meanwhile, in a London supermarket, a high school English
teacher from the States finds himself stranded along with a handful of students
on a senior trip. Outside, hoards of hungry Ragers await, ready to tear them
limb from limb. Their only hope is to find Sanctuary.
Solstice is a tale of hope, terror, survival, and finding love
at the end of the World.
Tana was disoriented by the complete darkness. It was impossible to decide what time it was—what time it really was. She loved the sunrise, so where the hell was it? She was a true sun worshipper, often dragging her boys out into the rays despite their protests about leaving their precious video games. At times, she found even heavy cloud cover jarring. She found the current darkness went well beyond jarring and right into bloody creepy. With no clouds in the sky, stars twinkled like fairy dust.
Tana was disoriented by the complete darkness. It was impossible to decide what time it was—what time it really was. She loved the sunrise, so where the hell was it? She was a true sun worshipper, often dragging her boys out into the rays despite their protests about leaving their precious video games. At times, she found even heavy cloud cover jarring. She found the current darkness went well beyond jarring and right into bloody creepy. With no clouds in the sky, stars twinkled like fairy dust.
The similarities to any kind of fairy tale
ended there. The world had become mad, and there she was, a single woman alone
with two kids, trudging down the street in the freezing cold. She had deadlines
to meet. The lack of sun and an ill child would not get her out of meeting
those deadlines. How would she pay the lease? How would she put food on the
The lack of light was an annoyance, at most.
It was an eclipse, perhaps. She never paid attention to the news networks. In a
while, things would settle back into their normal routine. Aiden had a touch of
flu and would have to stay home from school. He was given to serious bouts of
flu a couple of times a year.
She would buy a few extra days. Self-employed
web designers often begged for time. Well, the poor ones did, anyway. She
wasn’t quite poor, at least not yet.
What she wasn’t used to was the inability to
get through on her cell phone. She’d tried the pediatrician several times, but
each call was answered with the dull beep beep of a dead
signal. She wanted to sit down and rest, but the few people who were out acted
funny, running back and forth, huffing and grunting. Stopping might draw
attention from one of those crazies.
Aidan was small for a six-year-old, but at the
moment, he was as heavy as lead. Her bedroom-slippered feet padded along the
litter-strewn sidewalks, robe billowing behind her like a cape. Three steps
behind, ten-year-old Davis trotted along, dressed in his Chuckie-T sneakers,
Spider Man pajamas, and heavy coat.
The lack of electricity was a bigger issue
than the lack of sunrise. The apartment would be freezing when they returned.
Luckily, the stove was gas, so they could eat, and she could have her coffee.
Even the streetlamps were out. The sidewalks were gloomy, and it was beginning
to sleet. She wished for some traffic. Headlights to cut the heavy darkness
would be a small comfort.
She wasn’t sure what had happened. She’d dozed
on the sofa in front of a recorded episode of Being Human and
was happily dreaming of becoming Mitchell’s next victim when Davis awakened
her. He stood over her with his Luke Skywalker light saber. The pale blue light
brightened his small face like an Avatar alien.
“Aiden’s sick, Mummy.”
She sprang to a sitting position. “Sick? Is he
throwing up?”
“No. He’s breathing weird. It woke me up. When
I looked at him, he looked… scary.”
“Scary?” Tana’s mouth felt dry. “Were
you holding that thing? The blue light makes everything look scary.”
“Just come on, Mum.” Davis took her hand and
pulled her from the sofa, down the hallway and toward their bedroom, the light
saber a beacon in the shadowy apartment.
Aidan looked worse than scary. A weird
burn-like rash ran along the side of his face. Fat, shiny blisters were already
forming on his check. Tana touched his forehead and found it alarmingly
chilled. He wouldn’t respond when she tried to rouse him. Increasingly panicked,
she dialed the family doctor. Nothing. Next, she tried emergency. More nothing.
Her Fiat was in the shop, where it stayed more
often than not. There was nothing else to do but take to the street and hope to
catch a cab or a bus.
She considered a blackout of the city. How
terrible would it be? The looting. The crime. It would be chaos. They’d be
safer locked away inside the apartment, but with a sick kid, waiting was not an
Outside wasn’t what she expected. There was no
chaos, no looting, no raping. There was just… nothing. The feeling of complete
aloneness was more chilling than the sleet and the gloom. The crunch of the ice
beneath their steps and the clicking of sleet hitting the unmoving cars and the
sidewalk were the only sounds aside from the wind and their increasingly
labored breathing. Tana’s lips and cheeks became numb, and her teeth chattered.
“Are you okay, Davis?” she asked.
“I’m cold.”
“Me, too, baby. Just keep going. We’ll be
there soon.”
Someone screamed, and she flinched, nearly
dropping Aiden. A teenaged boy dashed past, sobbing. He wove between a pair of
stalled cars, then glanced back at Tana, his eyes wide with horror.
“Hide,” he hissed. Then he was gone.
Tana grabbed Davis’s shoulder and pressed him
back against a wall, attempting to vanish into the shadows.
Next, a burly man lumbered into view, wearing
a wife beater shirt and dirty, ill-fitting undershorts. No shoes. His big
stomach swayed, peeking from beneath the shirt. Drool hung from his parted
lips, frozen in mid-drip.
Once the man passed their hiding place, Tana
stepped from the shadows and removed the blanket from Aiden’s face. Her stomach
tightened. She wanted to cry or to call out for help, but what the hell good
would it do?
“Aiden?” She kissed his icy forehead. “Hang in
there. Mummy’s going to get help.”
She thought she heard a soft groan. Thank the
angels above! He’s wasn’t gone, at least not yet.
“Mummy?” he whispered.
“Yes. Mummy has you.”
Aiden’s eyes slid open, but something was very
wrong. His irises were nearly white, the same color as his pallid face. The
hollows beneath his eyes were so dark they appeared like deep bruises on his
smooth, baby-round face.
Then Aiden, her sweet baby, dropped his head
back until his chin pointed to the sky, and he howled. He writhed in her arms
until her hold on him loosened, and he slithered to the sidewalk. Davis stepped
forward, took her hand, and pressed against her side, trembling. Together, they
watched as the boy struggled to free himself from the tangles of the woolen blanket.
Once loose, he stood and glowered at her. He
screamed again, and Davis screamed with him.
“Hush, babies. Shh,” Tana cried.
Aiden lunged, spittle spraying from his lips.
He bared his teeth and screeched again, shrill and horrifying. Tana stepped backward,
pulling her oldest child with her. “Aiden. Calm down, baby!”
Behind the mad child, a slumping figure
approached. As the spindly shape drew nearer, Tana realized it was only an
elderly man. Dressed in what would have normally been a smart gray suit and
tie, he was covered in splattered blood.
“Run, woman! They’re monsters, now!”
Aiden spun, and in a flash, he sprang and was
on the stranger. Blood flew, inky in the darkness as Aiden ripped out the man’s
Tana watched for a moment, frozen with shock.
Then, she came to her senses, realizing she had to get her other child to
“C’mon. Quickly!” She gripped Davis’s small,
cold hand and fled down the street. She didn’t dare look back. The gruesome
sounds told her more than she would ever have wanted to know.

Author Bio:
Donna Burgess lives with her husband, daughter, son, many cats and one goofy Golden Retriever in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. When she is not writing, she can be found on her longboard, behind a good book or on the soccer field. She is the president of E-Volve Books. She holds a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Journalism and is currently pursuing her M.F.A. in Creative Writing.
Book Review:
This story is told from multiple
points of view about what happens when one day the world goes mad. One Solstice there are major solar flares and
all light goes out on earth. No power,
no phones, and people you love are dead but still moving and worse, eating
people. This is the second zombie apocalypse
novel I have read this week and it was not more of the same. This story focuses on the emotional and
physical toll this would take on people and the extent to which people will go
to save those they love.
How many people living in our gadget
and computer dependent society could live without electricity, gas stations,
supermarkets, and societal defined norms?
I have friends who have never slept outside, never started a fire, or
had to worry about where the next meal was coming from. Something like this levels the playing field
and puts everyone on the same footing regardless of race, wealth, age,
educational level or other things we use to judge people.
I enjoyed reading this book,
although at times the characters seemed emotionally unavailable, that was the
point of that portion of the book. I
give this book 5 out of 5 clouds.
product or book may have been distributed for review; this in no way affects my
opinions or reviews.
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