Book Review
of Angie of the Garden
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Romance mystery, Angie of the Garden.
205 pages
File Size: 416 KB
Print Length:
212 pages
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Publisher: AuthorHouse (June 6, 2012)
Sold by: Amazon
Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

As a boy Hollis found a diary written by a woman named Angie
Barton buried in a garden. The journal told of the hardships and deprivations
suffered by the woman from Boston as she traveled on the Oregon Trail. She
became his first love. One evening as Doctor Simms walked past a garden on the
estate he encountered the spirit of Angie Barton. Hollis learns that she worked
at Fairhaven as a house servant after returning from the west. He cannot fathom
how this adventurous woman could have come to such a station in life. Hollis
decides that Angie must have experienced some kind of trauma. During her
subsequent appearances he entices her into recounting the long trek westward in
order to discover the cause of her malaise.
Hollis’ obsession with the woman from the past also begins
to strain his relationships with those closest to him. Hollis is determined to
find the reason for Angie’s moribund spirit. In the end he does, and Angie
finds peace. Then a chance encounter reveals something else about the woman in
the garden.
About the
J.E. Hall is
a native of Long Island, New York. He
is a graduate of the New York Institute of Technology. His interest in politics
was very instrumental in shaping his first novel The Wall. Hall's concern for
the environment influenced his second novel.
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Purchase your copy at the publisher’s website:
September 26
at Debra’s Book Cafe
September 28
Review at The Bunny’s Review
Hollis enjoyed walking the grounds of the estate after
dinner. He was doing so one evening when he came upon the garden. The doctor
walked up to the gate with the intention of going inside, but stopped as soon
as his hand grasped the handle to open it. Hollis had caught a brief glimpse of
a woman in black with long, flowing hair in the darkness. The image barely
lingered long enough for him to realize that someone was there. Then a sudden
burst of light consumed the woman, and she was gone. Hollis stood there for a
long time after but saw nothing else unusual. He finally attributed the
experience to his imagination and walked away.
Three days later Hollis walked past the garden once again.
There was a half moon in the sky, so he could see much more clearly on this
evening. As Hollis approached the garden he saw a flash of white light
illuminate a figure near the rose bush in the back. The woman was bent over and
seemed to be searching for something. He carefully moved closer.
“Hello there. Can I help you?”
The woman raised her head and stared at Hollis with the most
piercing green eyes he had ever encountered. Her dark hair was now in long
braids, and was in striking contrast to the apparition’s pale, grayish skin.
She wore the attire of a house servant. This was in conflict with a theory
Hollis had been formulating in his mind. He was anxious to find out who the
interloper was, but knew that his attempt to do so should not be too abrupt.
“You look as though you’ve lost something,” he continued.
“Perhaps I can be of some assistance.”
The woman in black moved backwards, but did not disappear.
The apparition seemed to be floating along the ground instead of walking on it.
She carefully observed her questioner.
“What’s your name?” Hollis finally asked her.
“Well, sir, I do not think it would be appropriate to give
you my name. You are the stranger here. Are you a friend of Mr. Ellsworth?”
“I’m not familiar with him. Who is he?”
“Only the owner of Fairhaven,” she replied with an
incredulous grin
“I’m afraid you’re mistaken. My wife and I have owned this
estate for over 20 years. My name is Hollis Simms.”
“Mr. Ellsworth has sold his home? Then I am the trespasser.
I apologize, sir. I will leave at once.”
“There’s no need to do that,” Hollis quickly replied.
“You’re welcome here. I’d just like to know your name.”
“Angelica Barton, Mr. Simms.”
She was the author of the diary.
She thinks that Ellsworth still owns Fairhaven, so
Angelica must also believe that she’s still in the 1800s. I wonder if this spirit
knows she’s dead, Hollis thought to himself.
“The trees here remind me of home,” Angelica told him.
“Especially that one. I played in a tree just like it as a child.”
“You’re from Boston, aren’t you?” Hollis asked with a smile.
“How did you know that?”
Hollis was about to mention the diary, then thought better
of the idea. This woman might not be comfortable with the idea of someone
knowing her innermost thoughts. He would have to gain her trust first before
broaching that subject. The doctor came up with another explanation instead.
“I recognize your accent, even though it’s not very
“That’s because I’ve lived in many different places,” she
explained. “But I was thinking of Boston when I mentioned home before. The
beautiful trees here remind me of the ones that Mayor Lyman had planted along
the common when I was a girl.”
Book Review:
Can you imagine having to deal with
a husband that was obsessed with a ghost in the garden and bringing her peace? In this book the husband gets so wrapped up
in “saving” that he sort of forgets he has a family that has their own
issues. I found this to be a sweet
story of family, honor, and caring.
I give this book a 4 out of 5
product or book may have been distributed for review; this in no way affects my
opinions or reviews.
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