
Friday, June 8, 2012

Review The Return of Behjamin Quincy ~ see how a 10 year old steals the romantic story from the stars.

Book Review of The Return of Benjamin Quincy
 Sponsored by Bewitching Book Tours

 The Return of Benjamin Quincy
A Rosewood Novel
By Susan Lute


All Benjamin Quincy wants is to make a stable home for his ten year old daughter in the town he grew up in and left in bitter disappointment. Young and hot headed, he made a mistake. 

Eleven years later, he’s a divorced, single dad with a troubled child, and a lot to make up for. 

Sydney Marshall has finally snagged the perfect job at a coveted travel magazine in New York. 

Does she care that her ex has returned to the tiny town of Rosewood with a precious daughter who’s not hers? 

Does it matter that every time he comes near, her heat flutters madly like in the old days? No! Her bags are packed; plane tickets are stashed in her carry on bag; the adventure of a lifetime is about to begin. 

There’s only one problem. Life and Rosewood have a penchant for interfering in the best laid plans.

Author Information:

Like all children of military families, Susan spent her childhood moving from one duty station to the next. An ardent student of human nature, she acquired a love for ancient history and myth, a fascination for the ridiculous and unusual, and is the first to admit, she still collects way too much useless information. 

These days, when not working as a Registered Nurse, she writes whenever she can. When not writing, her favorite things to do are spend time with family, read, watch movies, garden, take black-and-white photos, travel, and remodel her house. 


Book Review:

            Susan Lute has created a charming novel filled with meddling relatives and friends, bad decisions, good decisions, flawed people, and passionate love.  The people in this book could be your friends, neighbors, or relatives.  They aren’t perfect, but they try to do the best they can.  The hero, Benjamin, and heroine, Sydney, have the traditional love story romance.  You know, boy meets girl, problem tears them apart, they meet again, can’t stay apart but don’t trust each other, get pushed along, finally realize they are meant to be together and love triumphs.  But the path she takes is what sets her apart from the pack.

            These are real people.  No silly flippant girls or muscle bound men.  These people have problems brought on because they thought they were doing what was best for the person they loved.  Add an emotionally fragile 10 year old girl who needs them and you have this wonderful story.

            I have to say the 10 year old girl, Isabel, stole the story in my opinion.  I ached to pull her from the pages and hold her on my lap and give her all the love and nurturing her mother had obviously not given her.  And while her mother is never physically present in the book, I had a strong desire to shake her until her teeth rattled.  Luckily for me things resolved well for her because I felt very protective of this little one.
            I give this story 4 out of 5 clouds.

This product or book may have been distributed for review; this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

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